Java Error
- Check to ensure vpn is connected and or they have internet on the device if in an office.
- Check the computer is macOS Monterey, Sonoma, Ventura or windows 10 or 11
- Check to ensure you can get to the server
- on mac open terminal (click spotlight sear top right type terminal)
- on a pc open power shell (click windows button type power shell)
- ping you should see something like this:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=127
- Check java version in terminal(mac) or PowerShell(windows) type java -version and it should look like this the important version is 1.8.0
- openjdk version "1.8.0_402"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build 1.8.0_402-b06)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Zulu (build 25.402-b06, mixed mode) - if not uninstall current java version download and install correct java version instructions here for mac, windows use add remove programs
- Now install the most recent version of java 8 from here do not use the default selections scroll down a little and choose version 8
- for windows choose x86 64-bit and download the .msi
- for mac choose x86 64-bit for intel macs, ARM 64-bit for apple based macs if unsure click apple icon top left, about this mac the processor will be intel or apple
- openjdk version "1.8.0_402"
- Check permission
- for mac open terminal type chmod -R 777 /Applications/pss
- on windows open c:\program files\ right click on the PSS folder
- choose properties, click security tab
- Click on Users (or Domain users) this group should have full control if not click edit and select it and hit OK
- Remove PSS and re-install
- on mac open terminal type rm -rf /Applications/pss/
- on windows open powershell type Remove-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\pss\" -Recurse -Force
- Now download the pss installer from here
- once downloaded copy onto the desktop and double click to install it complete fresh install instructions here if you need Includes adobe and java instructions)
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