Clean PSS Install

  1. Download latest version of adobe reader dc and install
    1. once adobe is installed open it and set to default pdf application if it dos not ask you it will be in a box on the top right
  2. Now install the most recent version of java 8 from here do not use the default selections scroll down a little and choose version 8
    1. for windows choose x86 64-bit and download the .msi
    2. for mac choose x86 64-bit for intel macs, ARM 64-bit and download the .dmg for apple based macs if unsure click apple icon top left, about this mac the processor will be intel or apple
  3. for PC open file explorer
    1. go to c:\program files\
    2. create new folder name it PSS
    3. right click on the PSS folder click on the security tab
    4. click edit and choose the users icon and click on full control
      1. for FHT computer after edit click on add
      2. type in domain users click ok
      3. select domain users and click full control.
    5. click OK.
  4. Downlead the pss client found here copy to the desktop double click to install.
  5. for PC 
    1. Right click on the new shortcut on the desktop choose properties, if it now there 
      1. open file explorer and go to c:\program files\pss\\ 
      2. right click on PS Clinet.jar and choose create shortcut
      3. now right click on the new shortcut and choose properties
    2. under target Add Explorer to the beginning  "C:\Program Files\PSS\\PS Client.jar" so it should read Explorer "C:\Program Files\PSS\\PS Client.jar"
    3. click on change icon
    4. go to c:\program files\pss\resources\images choose the pss icon and click OK
    5. click on
    6. no right click again and choose pin to task bar, if you don't see that choose more options and then pin to task bar
  6. For mac if desktop icon is missing
    1. open finder
    2. open applications/pss/
    3. right click on PS Client.jar, Choose Make alias
    4. delete everything BUT PS Client hit enter
    5. Right click choose get info
    6. in finder go into resources/images and drag netmedical.icns on to the coffee cup from the get info of the alias we just created.